Thursday, January 28, 2010

Important Instrument/Band information

Many fourth grade Band students have recently dedided to quit their instrument. I understand that it can be difficult to make time to practice an instrument for some students. But, if they are going to succeed at their instrument and improve their playing, practicing at home is essential. Parents, please support and encourage your child to practice their instrument as often as possible. It is important to practice the weekly assignment (found on the assignment page in the back of their book) but it also important to play songs that are fun. This builds self-esteem and encourages more practicing.
On a side note, some fourth grade Band students look forward to the opportunity to play percussion (drums) when they are in the fifth grade. Though this is a great opportunity, the music department at Francis Wyman can only offer percussion lessons to those students who play an instrument for the entire fourth grade year. Those fourth grade Band students who have quit their instrument part way through their fourth grade year, will not be eligible to play percussion in the fifth grade. Though this may seem unfair, this is the policy of the Instrumental Lesson and Band department.